Guest Book
Since Madison's arrival we have had a few visitors... I think they all missed Patrick and me... or they just really wanted to meet Madison. Either way... we will take it. We have LOVED having family and friends out here! I think in some ways it has made the transition a little easier, but at the same time, each visit makes us a little home sick.
Here is the run down:

1) Ginnie's parents - My mom was here for 2 weeks. She got here 3 days after we came home from the hospital. Perfect timing because we made it through one week, but I don't know how week 2 would have gone without her here. I don't know what we would have done without her. Honestly, I had no idea what to do with a newborn. She had to teach me how to bathe Madison (I planned on just waiting until her umbilical cord fell out because I was so afraid of getting it wet), play with her, she forced me to rest and did all the house cleaning and cooking. She was a super star! My dad came for a long weekend in the middle of my mom's visit. Patrick and him had some fun "bonding". Sarah (Mathias) Brodine had a little shower for Madison while my mom and dad were here, so Patrick took my dad to show him the Tesla dealership and then they went to the hardware stores. You know "man" things!! It was a great visit. Patrick's work sent him on a business trip during the second week my mom was here - PRO mom was here, CON Patrick was not. We couldn't believe they sent him away, but we didn't have a choice. (If you are keeping count this is business trip number 2). He was suppose to get back the same day my mom left, but of course that didn't quite work out - I ended up with her alone for my first night when she was 2 weeks old. PTL though because Maddie was so good that whole day. Not a lot of crying, took good naps and went back to sleep easily during the night.

2) Patrick's sister Hannah - We planned for Hannah to get here right after my mom left. She got here the same day Patrick got back from his business trip. She was a huge help! Did laundry, cleaned, took care of Madison, and most of all kept me company. Madison took her first bottle from Aunt Hannah when she was 3 weeks old. SO - this meant Hannah sent us on a date and took care of Maddie and gave her a bottle. It was our first BIG date! We got out a couple times while mom was here for coffee or a short walk, but this date was really nice.

3) Patrick's parents - They came for a week when Madison was about 6 weeks old for Patrick's birthday. Maddie had just started smiling and getting more expressive and chatty! They were in heaven, and actually tried to steal Maddie a couple of times :) She would talk to Mike - trying to mimic him. It was super cute! There timing was also perfect because it meant we had free babysitters for valentines day. Patrick and I had a big date to PF Changs. It was delicious and so relaxing. My sweet in-laws also gave me a whole afternoon off and luckily Maddie took a bottle. I went to the doctor and then did some shopping at IKEA and then off to a coffee shop to read and relax (I was on book 3 of the Hunger Games and didn't want to put it down).

4) Ginnie's sister Carrie - Carrie was here for the week of her spring break. She got here the day after Madison got her 2 month old shots so we spent a lot of time out and about - especially in the city (San Fran) sight seeing. Madison did great with all the traveling around. We went to Alcatraz, Pier 39, Fisherman's Warf, Ghirardelli Square, Sausalito, the Bridge, Lombard St, Half Moon Bay, Stanford, Facebook, put Maddie's feet in the sand for the first time and her feet in the Pacific for the first time. The three of us had a great time together. It was a fun trip! We were so ready to get out and about, but Maddie and I crashed after :)

5) Beth and Jason came a week after Carrie left. It was so fun having them out here. We did some of the city with them but since it was rainy part of the time they were here we did a little more just hanging out and relaxing. We saw Muir Woods, the Bridge, Sausalito, Ghirardelli Square, Lombard St, Half Moon Bay, Pinterest, Facebook and Google. Google was me and Beth's favorite cause they had bikes that we could ride. HA! Jason did a lot of exploring by himself (while Pat was at work) leaving Beth and I to catch up and play with Madison. They did some cooking for us and cleaned before they left. It was so great having them here!

In between these visits Patrick had 2 business trips - count them ONE TWO. The first one he was barely gone for 24 hours, but the second one he was gone for 4 days. UNBELIEVABLE! I am so thankful for our friends and church community out here. Everyone came around me and helped. They kept me company and kept me sane. Madison is such a great baby and luckily has been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks. So, I feel like I can't complain, but still it is just really sad to not have him here at night. I know he didn't enjoy leaving at all, so I do NOT blame him at all. It is good his company likes him and is impressed with him, but COME ON - he has an infant at home!!! Again, it really wasn't that bad thanks to our friends out here.

6) Lee and Emily Drummond came right after Madison turned 3 months. We had a good time with them. We spent some time in the City and Sausalito, but spent a little more time around Menlo Park. Patrick and Lee built a smoker and they smoked some delicious ribs. Lee also got to spend some time with the Woods. Madison loved having them here - they were both great with her. I know Patrick especially loved having Lee out here.
I CANNOT wait for number 7... Kayleigh, Alice and KTJ come at the end of May for Memorial Day Weekend! WOOT!! THis is going to be a crazy time. I am SOoooOoOooo excited!!! It has been a while since we were all together. Was it Hawaii or Christmas 2 years ago? Anyways... California will not know what hit them!
Hawai'i was August 2010 and Virginia was Christmas 2010. I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!