Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some pictures

Gamecock baby (USC v. UF)
Madison's silly face
Giraffe Halloween Costume

Pumpkin patch

November already

WoW!  Time is flying!  We can't believe Thanksgiving is next week.

The last month just flew by for us.  We did a LOT of traveling (especially Patrick), and we are ready for the small break for Thanksgiving.  We have conflicting emotions about being here for Thanksgiving.  We are happy to have a break and not to travel, but we will also dearly miss the sweet time of fellowship with family.  We thankfully do have plans for Thanksgiving with our church family and adopted family (the Woods).  This will be the Wood's second year hosting Thanksgiving for students and other people in the church who will be in the area for the holiday.  Last year it was a lot of fun and honestly we were just thankful for SOMEWHERE to go and eat delicious food.  This year we will know more people which makes it that much more exciting.  I think it is really great how they set it up because they provide the turkey and then tell everyone to bring their favorite Thanksgiving dish(es). So, we of course bring mashed potatoes and gravy and then pumpkin pie and whipping cream :)

So, Patrick maybe spend 1 whole week at home in the month of October.  He was gone A LOT!  At the end of October he went to Taiwan (15 hour time difference) for 5 days and he had a good time.  He was very busy most of the time, but got a day or two to explore.  While he was in Taiwan I went to Atlanta to spend the week with my parents.  It was a great decision considering Madison and I were sick part of the time (so thankful not to be home alone).  Other than the sickness it was a great time with family.  Seth and Carrie even got to come visit!

In the last week Madison took a huge leap forward - she has seemed to figure everything out.  She went from pulling up and cruising some and sitting (if I sat her somewhere) and army crawling to a real crawl, pulling up on everything, cruising everywhere (no limits), learned how to sit herself up, sit on her knees, stand without holding on and she started using a spoon correctly (majority of the time).  WHOA!  It has been SHOCKING for me to watch!  It doesn't even bother me (that much) that she is into everything because I am still so amazed.  However, we are working on baby proofing but also trying to teach her what is off limits.  She really does get more fun every day!  At night when Patrick gets home I have to force them to stop playing so she can go to bed.  It is the CUTEST!!!  She has started drinking from a sippy cup for 2 meals of the day and I think she LOVES the independence (so do I).

As for Patrick and I, he is so busy with work because there are only 3 full weeks(ish) until they close for Christmas break.  Which I of course think is awesome (count down), but everyone at his work is scrambling to wrap things up.  Poor guy needs a nice long break!  We cannot WAIT to get to Columbia and see all the new babies and also can't wait to get to Atlanta so Madison can FINALLY meet the rest of the family.  As for my daily life, I am starting to really enjoy staying home with Madison.  We have started attending more "baby classes".  We went to a music class last week (yes, for babies) and she LOVED it.  She was laughing and playing the whole 45 minutes - she didn't try to crawl in my lap once.  We have since been trying to attend more story times and things like that where she has more interaction with other babies closer to her age.  I am getting very crafty - sewing, crocheting, painting, jewelry making etc.  I just can't wait until Madison stops growing so rapidly so I can make her clothes!!  I think we are only a couple months from that (1 year in Jan).

I am trying to restrain myself from listening to Christmas music until next Friday, but it is getting really hard.  Jingle Bells keeps popping into my head.  I can't help it.

I think that is about all for now.  Miss and love everyone!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall in Cali

Doesn't really exist!  We are still in our summer wear.  We have had one or two rainy days where we had to bundle (put on pants), but other than that it is beautiful everyday.  There are some trees that have leaves changing, but it just isn't the same.  I kinda miss the seasons, but it is hard to be sad when the weather is so pretty all the time.  I love being able to get outside everyday and go walking or picnic in the park, etc.

We HAVE however already seen snow this year!  We were in Denver a few weeks ago for work and family and it snowed one of the days.  We didn't really get out in it and it was mostly just on the cars, but it was still really fun.  Madison seems to love the cold weather!  She giggled every time the cold wind blew in her face.  So cute!  She got to see the whole Pollock family while we were there and meet all the extended family.  It was a great trip and I am so glad Maddie and I were able to go.

This month has been a busy one and Patrick has had to do a lot of traveling for work.  He left the week before we went to CO for 5 days and then got back in time to re-pack for CO.  We were there for 7 days and then got back.  We are both about to leave again at the end of the month for 6 days.  He is going to Taiwan for work and I am going to Atlanta to spend time with my family.  I am so happy to not be alone for another 6 days this month!

Madison update:  she is 9.5 months now and it really just starting to get into everything and realize that she can leave her "toy area".  It is funny!  She pulled herself up for the first time in Denver and then figured out how to pull up in her crib this week (nap times have not been fun).  She is cruising around furniture, still army crawling, babbling a lot, eating everything, and putting everything she find in her mouth.  She also loves to pull all of the shoes out of the shoe basket or basically pull anything apart or out and spread it all around.  It is kinda cute now, but I know soon it wont be.

As for me.... I spend my days with mom friends and TCB (taking care of business).  Ha!  But seriously, house business.  So, I try to use nap times to do chores so when Madison is awake we can go to the park and meet other moms (new and old).  It has been so great living here because just going to the park is a ministry.  It is so easy to meet other mom, especially when you have a kid. ha!  I have met a few moms outside of the church with babies about her age and it has been fun to start hanging out with them.  It seems all new moms are in the same boat, the boat of needing friends.  I am so thankful for the built in community of moms I have living all around me.  Seriously, there are 4 families from church that are within a mile of us and we spend a LOT of time together - with kids and without :)

We are finally feeling settled and in a routine.  We feel like we have some great friends, a great church, great small group, great apartment, neighborhood, etc.  We are getting to know our neighbors and starting to get out and explore the area a little more too.  We try to go hiking on the weekends when we can/ when USC isn't playing.  We are just loving it out here!  We are trying to embrace the fact that we haven't really found any babysitters yet (except friends) and trying to just enjoy this stage in life as a family, but I am actively being creepy and trying to work up the courage to talk to the high schooler I see in downtown Menlo Park. HA!  But seriously... girls here don't really babysit.  Don't worry though,  Patrick and I get out on dates!  I promise!  We have some sweet friends at church that will come over and let us get out, but nothing on a weekly basis or anything.  One Day!!!

Well I think this is about it for now... we are healthy, happy and enjoying watching Maddie grow!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Time is flying (8.5 months already)

I feel like time is flying!  Madison is growing so fast.... too fast.  I feel like people always say enjoy it they grow to fast, and I thought that was something I wouldn't realize until she was going off to college, but we are already realizing it.  I feel like she hasn't completed learning one skill before she is moving on to learning another.  For example... she learned how to stand and now she is trying to move.  So standing holding on the coffee table and then turning to hold on to the couch.  Next is probably walking, but she still hasn't mastered the crawl.  Maybe she gets the impatience from me :)

She is eating all kinds of food now.  I finally gave in to the finger foods and it has been great.  It is so nice because I roll her highchair in the kitchen and she eats while I cook or clean.  It has been so nice because I feel like that whole last month of her life I spent half of my days feeding her.... I mean it was an hour long process, and when she only stays up for 2.5 hours-ish at a time - you do the math.  Anyways, things are going great.  The questions in my mind are.... 1) Will she ever do the real crawl (belly off the floor); 2) When is she going to pull up; 3) When will she walk; 4) When can she sit up on her own; 5) etc.  My mom swears all of the kids in my family walked by the time we were 10 months, but I am not sure about Patrick's family.  I think they were all closer to 1 year (which is normal).  It is a harder season for sure though because she gets so frustrated and fussy and then I get frustrated.  She is also working on her 3rd tooth. All 3 on the bottom.  Poor thing!
You can see her 1st tooth coming in
As for Patrick and I.... Patrick is traveling a lot in the next month.  He is about to leave for a couple days, and then we are all 3 heading to Denver, CO for a week and then the last week of October he is going to Taiwan for a few days... anyone want to come visit?  It makes me sad because he will miss Maddie's first Halloween, but she won't notice and we will just dress her up the day after he gets back again.  I guess we had a nice break for a few months, so I just need to be thankful for that and the fact that we can go to CO with Patrick.

We are really excited for Denver because we will get to see Patrick's extended family and KAYLEIGH!!!  Traveling with Mads will be a bigger adventure this time for sure because she is wanting to be more mobile, but we will see.  At LEAST I will have Patrick there to help and the flight isn't through the night, and only one time zone.  Woot!

That is it for now!  We miss everyone a lot!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Is it August already...

WOW!!!  Time is flying.  I cannot believe this little girl is almost 8 months old and we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary of the move.

Since my last post we have been to Columbia and Atlanta to visit friends and family.  We had a great time, but it was a busy trip.  Luckily, at Christmas we will have more time and hopefully manage it a little better.  It was great to see everyone and get to spend a lot of time with family.  Madison LOVED meeting everyone and handled the trip like a trooper.  She got dragged around and passed around more than she ever has been before, and I think she loved it!  She did not love all the driving in the car however.  I can't believe she will almost be a year old when we go back at Christmas.

This month (7) Madison has cut her first tooth and I believe she is working on #2 this week.  She has been handling it like a champ though.  A little fussy, but for the most part you wouldn't know anything was wrong with her.  She has also started crawling... it is still more like and army crawl, but she can get around pretty fast if she wants.  Lucky for me she is not leaving her little play area where all her toys are... not yet at least.  We put her on a swing at the park for the first time last week and she LOVED it.  She is eating lots of solid foods and already wanting to feed herself (I am not quite ready for that though).  We have been "teaching her to swim" which she seems to enjoy.  We will put her under water and then have her float on her back - it so cute!

Lets see... as for Patrick and I we are doing well.  He is busy at work as always - getting ready for a trip to Taiwan at the end of October (anyone want to come stay with Madison and me?).  Generally I think the company gets busy at the end of the year, but I feel like he has never NOT been busy.  That is a good thing though, I guess.  He is still enjoying the work and continues to get more work passed his way.  He is still playing lots of ping-pong and working on building relationships with his co-workers.

As for me, I am loving this age and stage (I have probably said that every month so far).  Madison and I have so much fun during the days - we laugh and sing and play.  My favorite has been her "play dates" with her friends Berkley and Alex (photo).  She is the oldest of the 3, but not by much (less than 2 months).  I think they think of each other as toys, because they are always grabbing at each other.  It is so cute to watch them all play together.  She is also still extremely popular among the 2 year olds in her life.  It is the best when we get some where and they run up to her/me and scream "BABY MAD-SIN".  It is the cutest!  And then they pet her - very gently.  HA!  Anyways, we are doing really well!  2 naps a day is the best - a lot more freedom.

I think that is about it for now... we will be back on the East Coast mid-December through Christmas!  Can't wait to see everyone again - and meet all the new babies!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Growing like a weed

Side note - I thought I had published the last post forever ago.... Oops!

Madison is growing like a weed!  She is changing so fast - developing mentally and physically.  I feel like it was just yesterday that she couldn't hold up her own head and now she is rolling around, smiling, laughing, grabbing everything to put in her mouth, wanting to stand all the time, trying to talk, cutting teeth, finding her fingers and toes, etc.  It is crazy!  I feel like each week she is learning something new.  This week she has really stared rolling around, especially when she wants something.  I keep trying to work on sitting, but she would rather stand.  She is so funny!  She will straighten her whole body while I try to sit her down and almost refuse to bend at the waist.

I have decided that these are the glory days!!  She is just so much fun to be around and play with.  She is so interactive and expressive - she will look and laugh and even make some silly faces back at you.

She went swimming the first time right around the time she turned 5 months - she loved it!!  Luckily the pool wasn't cold so it kinda felt like a bath, and she loves bath time :)

Outside the Giants stadium
On the train to the game

Patrick sitting with some friends

She turned 5 months old last Saturday (June 2) and we celebrated by going to our first Giants game with some friends.  We had a great time!  Both teams wore throw back jerseys and to make it better the Giants won!  It was also Madison's first time on a train - she loved it!

As for Patrick and me.... Patrick's work is going well.  He is really busy, but he is still enjoying it.  I am adjusting to being home, having a baby, etc.  Last week was a really great week - the first balanced week I feel like I have had (now if I can some how repeat that).  We are so thankful for all the friends we have made and continue trying to grow in those relationships.

We have bought our tickets for the summer and Christmas now!!  We are so excited to see everyone and I cannot wait to get my hands on some Chick-fil-A!  But seriously, I am so excited for everyone to meet Madison and introduce her to humidity and the South.  WOOT!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


A little bit about our sweet little Madison...

Madison is quite the celebrity out here around our friends children (2 year olds).  They all love having a real live baby around.  They call her "baby Madison" or sometimes her name has been mistaken for "Mad-ness".  It is so cute... every time the kids see me they just start saying Madison... Madison.  They will help rock her in her car seat and help shush her when she is crying.  They all love her!  Most of them have no clue what my name is but they sure know her name.

Madison is AWESOME!!!  Just to mention a few milestones...  She is rolling from her tummy to her back (we are still working on back to tummy... she just can't seem to get over her arm); she is holding her head up really well; standing (with help of course); sleeping 9-10 hours at night; she can sit up in her Bumbo chair; she drools like crazy (pre-teething); she is now grabbing at things and can hold them (all she is trying to do is get them so she can put them in her mouth); she is trying to talk which is the cutest thing.  Now a days she will stick out her tongue and blow - it's too cute!  Her most recent milestone is a giggle.  We got the first giggle on Mother's Day.  It was the best Mother's Day present I could have asked for.  Below is a video of her rolling and holding up her head and another one of her talking.  Enjoy!!

As for Patrick and I, we are doing well.  We are making friends and working on being intentional and pursing friendships.  We have been convicted about getting to know our neighbors better - so we are going to really focus on that this summer.  We talk to them whenever we see them, but would like to start spending more time with them.

Patrick is enjoying his job, and it seems that they really like him.  We think this is a great thing - the only downfall is the amount of trips they want to send him on - BECAUSE he is awesome.  But the bright side of him going on the trips is that he is making a lot of good contacts for the future.

We are attending the "Intro to Grace" class this weekend to become members of our church.  We LOVE our church!  It has great teaching and great community.  The biggest downside is lack of older people.  We are thankful for a body of believers who have embraced us and come along side of us. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Book

Since Madison's arrival we have had a few visitors... I think they all missed Patrick and me... or they just really wanted to meet Madison.  Either way... we will take it.  We have LOVED having family and friends out here!  I think in some ways it has made the transition a little easier, but at the same time, each visit makes us a little home sick. 

Here is the run down: 
1) Ginnie's parents - My mom was here for 2 weeks.  She got here 3 days after we came home from the hospital.  Perfect timing because we made it through one week, but I don't know how week 2 would have gone without her here. I don't know what we would have done without her.  Honestly, I had no idea what to do with a newborn.  She had to teach me how to bathe Madison (I planned on just waiting until her umbilical cord fell out because I was so afraid of getting it wet), play with her, she forced me to rest and did all the house cleaning and cooking.  She was a super star!  My dad came for a long weekend in the middle of my mom's visit.  Patrick and him had some fun "bonding".  Sarah (Mathias) Brodine had a little shower for Madison while my mom and dad were here, so Patrick took my dad to show him the Tesla dealership and then they went to the hardware stores.  You know "man" things!!  It was a great visit.  Patrick's work sent him on a business trip during the second week my mom was here - PRO mom was here, CON Patrick was not.  We couldn't believe they sent him away, but we didn't have a choice.  (If you are keeping count this is business trip number 2).  He was suppose to get back the same day my mom left, but of course that didn't quite work out - I ended up with her alone for my first night when she was 2 weeks old.  PTL though because Maddie was so good that whole day.  Not a lot of crying, took good naps and went back to sleep easily during the night. 

2) Patrick's sister Hannah - We planned for Hannah to get here right after my mom left.  She got here the same day Patrick got back from his business trip.  She was a huge help!  Did laundry, cleaned, took care of Madison, and most of all kept me company.  Madison took her first bottle from Aunt Hannah when she was 3 weeks old.  SO - this meant Hannah sent us on a date and took care of Maddie and gave her a bottle.  It was our first BIG date!  We got out a couple times while mom was here for coffee or a short walk, but this date was really nice.

3) Patrick's parents - They came for a week when Madison was about 6 weeks old for Patrick's birthday.  Maddie had just started smiling and getting more expressive and chatty!  They were in heaven, and actually tried to steal Maddie a couple of times :)  She would talk to Mike - trying to mimic him.  It was super cute!  There timing was also perfect because it meant we had free babysitters for valentines day.  Patrick and I had a big date to PF Changs.  It was delicious and so relaxing.  My sweet in-laws also gave me a whole afternoon off and luckily Maddie took a bottle.  I went to the doctor and then did some shopping at IKEA and then off to a coffee shop to read and relax (I was on book 3 of the Hunger Games and didn't want to put it down). 

4) Ginnie's sister Carrie - Carrie was here for the week of her spring break.  She got here the day after Madison got her 2 month old shots so we spent a lot of time out and about - especially in the city (San Fran) sight seeing.  Madison did great with all the traveling around.  We went to Alcatraz, Pier 39, Fisherman's Warf, Ghirardelli Square, Sausalito, the Bridge, Lombard St, Half Moon Bay, Stanford, Facebook, put Maddie's feet in the sand for the first time and her feet in the Pacific for the first time.  The three of us had a great time together.  It was a fun trip!  We were so ready to get out and about, but Maddie and I crashed after :) 

5) Beth and Jason came a week after Carrie left.  It was so fun having them out here.  We did some of the city with them but since it was rainy part of the time they were here we did a little more just hanging out and relaxing.  We saw Muir Woods, the Bridge, Sausalito, Ghirardelli Square, Lombard St, Half Moon Bay, Pinterest, Facebook and Google.  Google was me and Beth's favorite cause they had bikes that we could ride. HA!  Jason did a lot of exploring by himself (while Pat was at work) leaving Beth and I to catch up and play with Madison.  They did some cooking for us and cleaned before they left.  It was so great having them here! 

In between these visits Patrick had 2 business trips - count them ONE TWO.  The first one he was barely gone for 24 hours, but the second one he was gone for 4 days.  UNBELIEVABLE!  I am so thankful for our friends and church community out here.  Everyone came around me and helped.  They kept me company and kept me sane.  Madison is such a great baby and luckily has been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks.  So, I feel like I can't complain, but still it is just really sad to not have him here at night.  I know he didn't enjoy leaving at all, so I do NOT blame him at all.  It is good his company likes him and is impressed with him, but COME ON - he has an infant at home!!!  Again, it really wasn't that bad thanks to our friends out here. 

6) Lee and Emily Drummond came right after Madison turned 3 months.  We had a good time with them.  We spent some time in the City and Sausalito, but spent a little more time around Menlo Park.  Patrick and Lee built a smoker and they smoked some delicious ribs.  Lee also got to spend some time with the Woods.  Madison loved having them here - they were both great with her.  I know Patrick especially loved having Lee out here.

I CANNOT wait for number 7... Kayleigh, Alice and KTJ come at the end of May for Memorial Day Weekend!  WOOT!!  THis is going to be a crazy time.  I am SOoooOoOooo excited!!!  It has been a while since we were all together.  Was it Hawaii or Christmas 2 years ago?  Anyways... California will not know what hit them!  

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's been a while...

So, since our last post a few things have changed.....


Madison Leigh Pollock arrived in this world on January 2, 2012 (cool birthday- 1.2.12) at 1:51pm, 8lbs 3ozs, 20in.  We praise the Lord for the uncomplicated birth of Madison and for her good health.

A synopsis of her birth... I woke up on New Years Day around 8am (before church) to what I thought might be contractions.  I tried not to think much about it because there had been many days before this that I thought "might be the day".  On New Years Eve day I was afraid my water bag was leaking, so I had been in contact with the OB on call.  We were trying to decide if we wanted to swing by the hospital on the way to church to have them check to see if it was leaking, but we decided to wait until after church.  After church we decided to just go home and see how I felt because the contractions had continued and we still thought "this might be it".  We spent the afternoon hanging out, playing cards, cleaning, baking, finishing thank you cards, etc (trying to distract ourselves).  I had been watching Craigslist for a BOB stroller and finally found one that afternoon - we called and arranged to pick it up that evening.  So we ate dinner and then headed to San Jose to look at/ purchase the Bob stroller.  On the way to San Jose I started timing my contractions and realized that this really might be it (still skeptical).  We bought the stroller, came home and then headed to the Westervelt's (neighbors and new friends) to play games.  When we got there we told Melody that we thought I was in labor, so we started playing games, but she was watching me and keeping track of my contracts with me.  We all began to agree that tonight was the night and Patrick wasn't going to work the next day, so we decided it was a good idea to stay up playing games until it was time for us to go to the hospital.

It was around 1:45am when we decided it was time to go to the hospital.  So, Patrick and I walked home, packed the car and headed to the hospital.  Once we got to the hospital they checked me - I was about 3-4cm dialated and everything was going fine.  So, Patrick and I walked around the hospital for a little bit longer before we officially checked in.  For some reason I was freezing, so I spent most of labor in bed half asleep under blankets.  Patrick sat in a chair next to me half asleep.  Every time a contraction came I squeezed Patrick's hand, he talked me through it and then we both closed our eyes again.  I had an awesome nurse who made suggestions like "it is really nice to do this part of labor in the shower" or "it would be good to move around or get on your ball".  We officially checked in the hospital around 2am, started pushing around 12pm, and Madison was born right before 2pm -  it seemed like forever before we actually got to look at Maddie's face.  Right after she came out they put her on my tummy - it was the best thing ever - except the fact that I could barely open my eyes.  
They let us stay in the delivery room for an hour over what we were suppose to stay because they were pretty slow, so I got to order food and eat in there (I had a steak dinner)- I was STARVING!!  I had not eaten since dinner the night before around 6:30.  We couldn't stop staring at Madison and we were so thankful that we got 2 hours with her before anyone took her away to the nursery to clean her.  

My biggest complaint about the whole thing is that I think it is CRAZY that as soon as you get to your room the nurse comes in giving you all of this information and telling you about all this paperwork, etc. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was go to sleep - Patrick wasn't even in there to listen - so I just said yeah, uh-huh until she left me alone, and as soon as I got to lay my head back Madison and Patrick came back and then they nurse was back to check my temp, BP, etc.  It was a few hours before I got to take a nap.  Then our sweet friend Melody brought us In and Out Burgers for dinner!  Just what anyone wants after pushing out a baby!! :) 

Our second night in the hospital our pastors wife, Mindi, brought us a milkshake, cupcakes and Indian food for dinner.  It was the best milkshake I have ever had in my life!  We thought it was because of the whole baby thing, but I still go to that milkshake place all the time and it still tastes just as good (maybe not AS good as that day, but still, really good!!!)  
The day we left we had more friends come and visit once we got home.  Patrick had to go back to work the day after we got home from the hospital (he went in later than normal), so it was nice to have friends want come by to hold Madison and let me take a shower or just to give me a break.  It nice to have moms around to ask questions or just sympathize and encourage me through all the transitions.  We had our first pediatricians appointment on Friday.  It was quite the adventure leaving the house the first time with a baby - lots of planning and THINGs that go along with it.  I got to the pediatricians office and had forgotten how to get her car seat out of the base - pretty hilarious looking back, but not at the time.  I was late and stressed out and had no clue what I was doing still!  They wanted to double check her jaundice so I had to walk over to the lab for them to draw blood (just adding a little bit more stress on my day).  Overall the appointment was good and encouraging!  I mean Madison was still alive, that in itself is a W for us.  

My mom came that weekend on Saturday and her timing couldn't have been better.  I was just starting to feel completely overwhelmed, realizing I had no clue what to do with a newborn baby, when she swooped in to California to rescue us!!  She was AWESOME!  She forced me to take naps, she cooked, cleaned, did laundry and taught us how to care for our new baby.  It was a sad day when she left, but she left us feeling more comfortable and confident.

We are so thankful for our friends and community here!  They were so sweet in coming along side of us through this, and being so willing to help, visit and bring us meals. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Final Countdown

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Patrick has been off of work for the last two weeks – Hooray!  We have been playing the waiting game.  We have been getting last minute things done around the house (hanging pictures, grocery shopping, making food to freeze, etc).  We have also been exploring the area, but we are also taking the time to relax and enjoy each other understanding these are the last weeks of our family of two.

We have officially finished the nursery – mattress in the crib with the sheets – lights hung – stickers stuck – pictures hung – clothes arranges, etc.  We also finally put the car seat base in the car – so now we have everything ready for the hospital.

We have also finished hanging all the pictures in our house and Patrick finished our bed frame.  He did a great job.

I took Patrick on a walking tour of downtown Menlo Park – the same one that our friends have been taking me on while strolling with their kids.  It was fun for him to get to know the area and go into stores and explore.

We have now been to the Beach!  We went to Half Moon bay one day for lunch and a short walk of the beach.  We met a couple in our birthing class that recommended a restaurant called Chez Shea (“an eclectic eatery”).  It is a really cute town, but not really a beach town.  It is more like a small little farming town that is on the beach, but there is actually a “beach” area (sand to sit and walk on).

There were a couple of fun festive gatherings the week of Christmas – Chili and movie night, holiday card decorating, Christmas Eve service at MPPC, Christmas Day at church and dinner with friends, etc.

On Christmas we slept in, opened our presents (family had sent some), ate french toast casserole and then skyped with both of our families.  It was a nice relaxing day, but so strange to not be with our families.  We had a church service that afternoon (3pm) and then ate dinner with a few couples from church.  No one wanted to cook (one couple had just got back in town the day before, one was leaving the next day, I am pregnant, etc) so we decided to order Christmas dinner from Draeger's (a fancy grocery store in Downtown Menlo Park).  It was delicious and we all decided it tasted better because none of us had to cook.  It was a very nice day - different from any other Christmas we have ever had.

Our friends Melody and Brett took us to San Fran and showed us around some of their favorite places including The Mission and The Ferry Building.  The Mission is the hipster part of San Fran – we got coffee from a place called Ritual.  It is a pour over coffee shop and it was really good.  We got lunch at the Ferry Building at a burger place called Gotts and then gelato for dessert.  It was a really fun day.

We have been trying to take LOTS of walks to encourage this baby to come out J  One day we decided to walk to the Stanford mall with Melody and Brett.  We were walking around for about 3 hours and still no baby.

On my due date we had a game night with some friends and played games until late that night.  We discovered a new favorite game.  It is called Partners and apparently can only be purchased in Denmark.  We had a great time – it was nice to take our mind off of the fact that I am still pregnant.

We rang in the New Year with the couples from our community group.  We celebrated on East Coast time so they could get their children to sleep.  Honestly we didn’t stay up until midnight either – we technically have a kid too.

I have an appointment with my Doctor on January 3 to plan a date for induction if our little girl has not arrived by then.  Until then, we continue to wait….