Monday, September 24, 2012

Time is flying (8.5 months already)

I feel like time is flying!  Madison is growing so fast.... too fast.  I feel like people always say enjoy it they grow to fast, and I thought that was something I wouldn't realize until she was going off to college, but we are already realizing it.  I feel like she hasn't completed learning one skill before she is moving on to learning another.  For example... she learned how to stand and now she is trying to move.  So standing holding on the coffee table and then turning to hold on to the couch.  Next is probably walking, but she still hasn't mastered the crawl.  Maybe she gets the impatience from me :)

She is eating all kinds of food now.  I finally gave in to the finger foods and it has been great.  It is so nice because I roll her highchair in the kitchen and she eats while I cook or clean.  It has been so nice because I feel like that whole last month of her life I spent half of my days feeding her.... I mean it was an hour long process, and when she only stays up for 2.5 hours-ish at a time - you do the math.  Anyways, things are going great.  The questions in my mind are.... 1) Will she ever do the real crawl (belly off the floor); 2) When is she going to pull up; 3) When will she walk; 4) When can she sit up on her own; 5) etc.  My mom swears all of the kids in my family walked by the time we were 10 months, but I am not sure about Patrick's family.  I think they were all closer to 1 year (which is normal).  It is a harder season for sure though because she gets so frustrated and fussy and then I get frustrated.  She is also working on her 3rd tooth. All 3 on the bottom.  Poor thing!
You can see her 1st tooth coming in
As for Patrick and I.... Patrick is traveling a lot in the next month.  He is about to leave for a couple days, and then we are all 3 heading to Denver, CO for a week and then the last week of October he is going to Taiwan for a few days... anyone want to come visit?  It makes me sad because he will miss Maddie's first Halloween, but she won't notice and we will just dress her up the day after he gets back again.  I guess we had a nice break for a few months, so I just need to be thankful for that and the fact that we can go to CO with Patrick.

We are really excited for Denver because we will get to see Patrick's extended family and KAYLEIGH!!!  Traveling with Mads will be a bigger adventure this time for sure because she is wanting to be more mobile, but we will see.  At LEAST I will have Patrick there to help and the flight isn't through the night, and only one time zone.  Woot!

That is it for now!  We miss everyone a lot!!!