A lot has changed since our last post....
In May, Patrick interviewed and accepted a job in Berkeley (across the Bay). He commuted (1 hour) to this new job for a few weeks before we found a new apartment. Therefore, in June we moved to Berkeley. Are we crazy?! Maybe. BUT, so far it has been great - especially because we get more time with Patrick. He is working for a true start up (Lightsail) - just celebrated 4 years. Apparently he came at a really exciting time - they were in the process of completing and starting the testing on their second prototype. He really enjoys it! Being a start up the whole atmosphere of the office is very positive and exciting. They of course have a ping pong table with office tournaments and lots of other perks (unlimited chocolate, free lunch thursdays, unlimited coffee and snacks, etc).
We really like our new apartment and our location. We live in Rockridge (Berkeley Oakland boarder). We really miss our church and community in Menlo Park (MP), but the Lord has been good and we have connected in a new church and already started making some friends. A lot of the kids at our new church are Maddie's age which has been nice because she is not use to having a lot of friends her age. She is used to playing the middle child to our MP friends with a 3 y.o. and 6 month old. So one minute she is getting toys taken and pushed around by the 3y.o and the next she is taking toys from the 6 month old and getting it taken away from the moms. Poor kid, right?! Anyways, she is really enjoying having other little girls her age to play with. It is so cute to watch them run around together and hold hands.
What a roller coaster ride it has been, but the Lord is good! I go to bed every night so thankful for the path he has clearly prepared for us.