What a year! I cannot believe that Madison is already a year old and we have lived in California for over a year.
We did have a birthday party for Madison and it was madness, but tons of fun. She had a great time even though I am sure she had no idea what was going on, but she enjoyed crawling around with her friends. She did a great job shoving the cupcake into her face as well! The pictures below are from her actual birthday when we went to Susie Cakes with a couple friends and then her birthday party. There is a picture of all the kids, but you can't even see everyone in the back of of the room.


We made it back to the east coast for 2 weeks and it was a wild and crazy good time! Patrick and I took advantage of all the family being around and got to spend a night away from Madison. It was great! We went up to Charlotte for a night and had a great time! Sadly we didn't get to see as many friends this trip because we had so much family time for the holidays. Madison loved playing with her cousins (especially Cameron - 13 y.o. boy) and her Aunts, Uncles and grandparents of course. She also got her first professional haircut - due to Patrick and I attempting to cut it ourselves....

Lets see what else....
Patrick is really busy with work and just seems to keep getting more and more put on his (work) plate. He is co-leading our community group now with another guy and he is doing an awesome job.
As for me, I am enjoying being home with Madison - especially the older she gets. However, with age comes other things - for example temper tantrums - but as a whole we are having a blast. I was thinking about going back to work part-time, but have decided against it. I have been asked to co-lead a small group at Mother's Together (a moms bible study at the church across the street). I am really excited about this because it is a group of first time moms with kids around Madison's age. It has been a great community of people who are in the same stage with figuring out how to raise a kid. Luckily, the kids all play really well together (so far).
And Madison - she took her first steps in the beginning of December and is going to take off running any day now. She is still pretty timid, but she will walk just holding on to one hand now. It is funny when she plays with the toddlers because you can tell she wants to walk like them, but instead will just crawl as fast as she can toward them. She is the best!