Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some pictures

Gamecock baby (USC v. UF)
Madison's silly face
Giraffe Halloween Costume

Pumpkin patch

November already

WoW!  Time is flying!  We can't believe Thanksgiving is next week.

The last month just flew by for us.  We did a LOT of traveling (especially Patrick), and we are ready for the small break for Thanksgiving.  We have conflicting emotions about being here for Thanksgiving.  We are happy to have a break and not to travel, but we will also dearly miss the sweet time of fellowship with family.  We thankfully do have plans for Thanksgiving with our church family and adopted family (the Woods).  This will be the Wood's second year hosting Thanksgiving for students and other people in the church who will be in the area for the holiday.  Last year it was a lot of fun and honestly we were just thankful for SOMEWHERE to go and eat delicious food.  This year we will know more people which makes it that much more exciting.  I think it is really great how they set it up because they provide the turkey and then tell everyone to bring their favorite Thanksgiving dish(es). So, we of course bring mashed potatoes and gravy and then pumpkin pie and whipping cream :)

So, Patrick maybe spend 1 whole week at home in the month of October.  He was gone A LOT!  At the end of October he went to Taiwan (15 hour time difference) for 5 days and he had a good time.  He was very busy most of the time, but got a day or two to explore.  While he was in Taiwan I went to Atlanta to spend the week with my parents.  It was a great decision considering Madison and I were sick part of the time (so thankful not to be home alone).  Other than the sickness it was a great time with family.  Seth and Carrie even got to come visit!

In the last week Madison took a huge leap forward - she has seemed to figure everything out.  She went from pulling up and cruising some and sitting (if I sat her somewhere) and army crawling to a real crawl, pulling up on everything, cruising everywhere (no limits), learned how to sit herself up, sit on her knees, stand without holding on and she started using a spoon correctly (majority of the time).  WHOA!  It has been SHOCKING for me to watch!  It doesn't even bother me (that much) that she is into everything because I am still so amazed.  However, we are working on baby proofing but also trying to teach her what is off limits.  She really does get more fun every day!  At night when Patrick gets home I have to force them to stop playing so she can go to bed.  It is the CUTEST!!!  She has started drinking from a sippy cup for 2 meals of the day and I think she LOVES the independence (so do I).

As for Patrick and I, he is so busy with work because there are only 3 full weeks(ish) until they close for Christmas break.  Which I of course think is awesome (count down), but everyone at his work is scrambling to wrap things up.  Poor guy needs a nice long break!  We cannot WAIT to get to Columbia and see all the new babies and also can't wait to get to Atlanta so Madison can FINALLY meet the rest of the family.  As for my daily life, I am starting to really enjoy staying home with Madison.  We have started attending more "baby classes".  We went to a music class last week (yes, for babies) and she LOVED it.  She was laughing and playing the whole 45 minutes - she didn't try to crawl in my lap once.  We have since been trying to attend more story times and things like that where she has more interaction with other babies closer to her age.  I am getting very crafty - sewing, crocheting, painting, jewelry making etc.  I just can't wait until Madison stops growing so rapidly so I can make her clothes!!  I think we are only a couple months from that (1 year in Jan).

I am trying to restrain myself from listening to Christmas music until next Friday, but it is getting really hard.  Jingle Bells keeps popping into my head.  I can't help it.

I think that is about all for now.  Miss and love everyone!