WOW!!! Time is flying. I cannot believe this little girl is almost 8 months old and we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary of the move.
Since my last post we have been to Columbia and Atlanta to visit friends and family. We had a great time, but it was a busy trip. Luckily, at Christmas we will have more time and hopefully manage it a little better. It was great to see everyone and get to spend a lot of time with family. Madison LOVED meeting everyone and handled the trip like a trooper. She got dragged around and passed around more than she ever has been before, and I think she loved it! She did not love all the driving in the car however. I can't believe she will almost be a year old when we go back at Christmas.
This month (7) Madison has cut her first tooth and I believe she is working on #2 this week. She has been handling it like a champ though. A little fussy, but for the most part you wouldn't know anything was wrong with her. She has also started crawling... it is still more like and army crawl, but she can get around pretty fast if she wants. Lucky for me she is not leaving her little play area where all her toys are... not yet at least. We put her on a swing at the park for the first time last week and she LOVED it. She is eating lots of solid foods and already wanting to feed herself (I am not quite ready for that though). We have been "teaching her to swim" which she seems to enjoy. We will put her under water and then have her float on her back - it so cute!
Lets see... as for Patrick and I we are doing well. He is busy at work as always - getting ready for a trip to Taiwan at the end of October (anyone want to come stay with Madison and me?). Generally I think the company gets busy at the end of the year, but I feel like he has never NOT been busy. That is a good thing though, I guess. He is still enjoying the work and continues to get more work passed his way. He is still playing lots of ping-pong and working on building relationships with his co-workers.
As for me, I am loving this age and stage (I have probably said that every month so far). Madison and I have so much fun during the days - we laugh and sing and play. My favorite has been her "play dates" with her friends Berkley and Alex (photo). She is the oldest of the 3, but not by much (less than 2 months). I think they think of each other as toys, because they are always grabbing at each other. It is so cute to watch them all play together. She is also still extremely popular among the 2 year olds in her life. It is the best when we get some where and they run up to her/me and scream "BABY MAD-SIN". It is the cutest! And then they pet her - very gently. HA! Anyways, we are doing really well! 2 naps a day is the best - a lot more freedom.
I think that is about it for now... we will be back on the East Coast mid-December through Christmas! Can't wait to see everyone again - and meet all the new babies!!!